Book Review
Book reviewSeven Necessary Sins for Women and GirlsAuthor Mona Elthahawy Well I must say, I was totally energised by this woman’s writing. The 7 deadly sins: Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth,...
Born from the shared outrage, anger and deep seeded indignation at the increasing disdain and contempt to which we and our sisters are heinously regarded; bigotedly judged; and reprehensibley treated and silenced, in this increasingly misogynistic and overtly sexist patriarchal society.
KANTANKEROUS WOMAN is a voice to confront and resist all who dare to try and silence us, try to rule us, try to subject us to their unrealistic and offensive constructs of womanhood, and try and dictate to us, our role and position in society.
KANTANKEROUS WOMAN is calling for FEMINIST change. Join us in giving the finger to the patriarchy. Our voices will not be silenced. It’s time to call it out. It’s time to reclaim our voice.
Wear your voice loud, proud and with passion. Its time to
Hand printed on Bundjalung Country by KANTANKEROUS WOMAN .
(No women or children were hurt in the production of these products).