Maree Conroy – is a feisty feminist extraordinaire. Mother to three. Maree is an Early Childhood teacher and has spent over 30 years in the female dominated industry. She's currently the Director of a community based preschool and has spent many years advocating for social justice issues in Early Childhood. She is extremely passionate about education from a Feminist perspective. She really oposes the current obsession amongst expectant parents of "the gender reveal moment".
Deb Woodbridge – Feminist and social justice advocate. Mother to one. Deb has spent many decades fighting and advocating for social justice, the environment, and taking every opportunity to provoke and confront the patriarchy with the endeavor of creating a future that is Feminist. Deb is embracing her post menopausal powers of freedom in not giving a shit about what people think, calling it out, and stirring the cauldron.