Book review
Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls
Author Mona Elthahawy
Well I must say, I was totally energised by this woman’s writing. The 7 deadly sins: Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. We are told that to have a happy and productive life, we are suppose to avoid these things. For a woman to conduct herself properly we should do the opposites of these 7 deadly sins. We should show kindness, temperance, charity, humility, diligence, gratitude and patience.
This is how a woman should behave …. According to the patriarchy.
These are not virtues, these are actions that oppress women and prop up the patriarchy. Fuck that!
Mona calls for the dismantling of the structures of the patriarchy.
In her book Mona sites many occasions throughout the world where women have taken action to defend themselves to make changes. Look them up, these are just some of the many:
* Kerala’s 5 million women’s wall protesting sexual discrimination at denial of women and girls access to their Hindu temple.
* Uganda’s 1940’s act of Radical Rudeness, and continued acts of Radical Rudeness
* India’s State of Madhya Pradesh’s governments distribution of wooden bats to women and girls as a means of self defence against domestic violence and assault.
* Her own beating of her abuser.
Mona cites patriarchies fuckery from all around the world, from the Ukraine, to Japan, to Korea, to Africa, to America, to Brazil and more. Misogyny and the Patriarchy are everywhere, and everywhere they are oppressing women. From not letting women sit medical exams, the #metoo movement, black power, LGBTIQ fights for legalisation, women in power, arranged marriage, rape as a tool of war, femacide, pornography, female mutilation and more, Mona covers it all.
Other calls from Mona are:
* RAGE - anger terrifies the patriarchy
* Fuck the patriarchies standards of beauty
* Don’t be silenced - your silence will not protect you
* Hold the patriarchy to account
* Women need to have agency
* I own my body
* Nothing can protect you from the patriarchy
* Patriarchy has its foundations in violence
* Violence upholds the patriarchy, therefore benefits ALL men
* Public space is a privilege that is awarded to the patriarchy
A must read to light the fires to burn down the patriarchy.
- Kantankerous Woman
#fuckthepatriarchy #feminism #fuckmisogyny